Google has announced at an event in Delhi today that it is bringing the job search to the search engine for the Indian job seekers. This new search engine enhancement was first announced at the Google I/O event back in 2017. This initiative is to focus on connecting the job seekers to the right job through the deep collaboration with the top job searching websites already in operation in India.
After job search will be added to the Google search app and search engine, the users have to search for keywords like “jobs near me” or “Job for freshers.” This search will show them an in-depth result which will allow them to get to the relevant job opportunities from all across the web.
Google already told us that it is collaborating with a bunch of organizations including Aasaan jobs, Freshersworld, Headhonchos, IBM Talent Management Solutions, Linkedin, Quezx, QuikrJobs,, T-Jobs, Timesjobs and Wisdom Jobs to bring more job listing in the search results.
The job search on Google has over a million listings right now from various job types and industries from over ninety thousand employers in India. Within the search results, there will be some detailed information about each job like the Job title, location, full time or part time or internship and more.
There will also be an ability to save job listing directly in the app or the search engine so you can get to them whenever you want. It can also send you notifications about any special search which will send you emails to the same Gmail id which you are surfing from.
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